Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Letter to Washington

Over the course of this most current government shutdown, I've had the great pleasure of "meeting" a handful of passionate people in my fellow YNP gateway community of Cody, WY as well as getting to know a few neighbors right here in Gardiner a little bit better. Some of us may have differing political views and lifestyle ideas, but I've learned this week that at the end of the day our end goal is often the same - we are Americans, want to be proud to be so, and are frustrated by the feeling that this inalienable right is being taken from us one piece at a time. One of these new friends, Rick Satterthwaite of Cody, has been instrumental in the Protest for Yellowstone movement that is gaining steam in our area and penned the below letter to the elected officials of the United States government. Not to The House, The Senate or the Executive Branch, but to ALL of them. Whether you are left, right, moderate or out in the stands, Rick's letter is likely to ring true in more ways than you might think.

October 2013
To the 537 leaders of the United States of America: The President, The Vice President, The House of Representatives, and The Senate:

We are tired; We the People….we are tired. The weariness that is overtaking us feels like an invisible force wrapped around each one of us individually, and yet all of us collectively at the same time. It is the feeling that something familiar…something we trust…has begun to weigh us down, tug at us and pull us apart, to look us in the eye with assurance, while wrestling with us at every turn. Wrestling, not as two playmates might; but as an adversary. That adversary is you, 537 men and women we look to as leaders, as familiar, trustworthy leaders.
We were a small group in the wilderness, just in front of the gates of Yellowstone National Park. What brought us there was the desire to gain access to our friend, our park. However, what became obvious as We The People began to look around was much greater than Yellowstone; if one could imagine that. No, what was obvious was our weariness over you and your inability to lead on behalf of us.

From where We The People stood that day, in the wilderness, what we saw were men and women, 547 of you, fighting for yourselves, for your own agendas, your own power, your own egos…never truly thinking of We the People. We hear talk of not wanting to give the Republicans too much…not wanting to give the Democrats too much, never thinking that We The People are Republicans and Democrats, independents and libertarians. What we hear is that our democrat leaders do not want to give half of We The People too much. Our republican leaders do not want to give half of We The People too much. We are so weary of that!

John Kennedy once said, “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.” What happened to ideas like that? What happened to you as servants of We The people that it has to be a democrat or republican answer. Do you 537 not realize that those answers exclude half of We the People? Do you not realize it is making We The People weary? You lead us from one crisis to another; one cliff to another. You have become experts at pitting We The People against ourselves in order to give some portion of the 537 a victory, all the while making We The People more tired…more weary.

No, as that small portion of We The People gathered at the gates of Yellowstone, what we realized is that it is your inability to lead that has made We The People weary. Please stop! We are tired of fighting among ourselves; fighting in the way you 537 do…how you 537 lead We The People. Stop looking for the republican answer. Stop looking for the democrat answer. Look for the right answer. Look for the answer that will relieve the weariness of We The People.

Many of us, We The People, echo the prayer of Admiral Black last week when he asked you 537 men and women to come to grips with the shame you have caused in this great nation. Your behavior is selfish and shameful to We The People and we simply ask you to stop, look inward, and examine yourselves. Find a way to get beyond your party affiliation and dogmatic policy stances and look at us, We The People. Look from a position of humility, not power. Look from a position of weakness, not strength. Join us at Yellowstone’s gates and see We The People, not a voting-block, or district, or constituency. No, try to see us, weary as we are and understand that we deserve better than what you 537 are giving us. Stop tugging at us, stop pulling us apart, stop doing all the things we try to teach our children not to do and lead.

As We The People gather at the gates of Yellowstone, we were denied entrance because you 537 men and women shut down the government, our government. We stood there as you were huddled in Washington DC. Here is a thought from We The People that just might help you understand just how We The People are feeling right now. Do your jobs and fund the government. Do what you have to do to get past this latest crisis. Then shut it down again! Shut down every office, every hall, and every meeting room and come to Yellowstone. Come to the farmland of the Midwest. Come to the sprawling cities of the eastern seaboard. Come to the oil patches of the west and southwest. Come to the great forests of the Pacific North West. Come to We The People and just sit with us.

But do not go to your own districts, your own constituencies. Go where you are not familiar and sit with someone you have never sat with. Don’t take cameras and media people, just put on your jeans and come alone. How can you lead all of We The People if you have only sat with half of We The People? Imagine that! None of you 537 being lobbied, arguing your point, pitting half of us against the other half. Just take the fall and early winter off to sit with We The People and get to know us. The reconvene after the holidays and lead us together in the right way; the American way. What do you say? Meet us at the gates of Yellowstone and let us just sit together as We The People.
Rick, you are a true credit to the people of the mountain West.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Just Another Day In Paradise...Or Several - Summer 2012 in Review

With the computer out of commission and my patience entirely too small to blog via iPhone, I hadn't realized how long it has been since I've written anything!

It was another interesting summer, as usual, with crazy things happening in the Park, in town and in general. But thankfully the priority to make sure there is time for fun has still been given it's proper space, in part due to the fact that I seem to have forgotten that I had not used a good majority of my vacation time, which resets for the year on the anniversary date of when I started working full time, which is the end of August. Thus, I ended up with many long weekends in July and August. In fact, I'm pretty sure I didn't work a full week from mid-July until Labor Day weekend, darn it!. I suggested that this had worked out very well and that I might just plan on using my vacation days this way next summer, but that idea was quickly shot down by everyone else in the office who have been answering my phone during my seemingly endless string of long weekends. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted!

Here's a quick photo summary so far, with a little commentary thrown in for good measure.......

It was ENTIRELY too hot last summer! While it definitely can get a little toasty in Gardiner and Mammoth during the summer, this picture can explain the difference this year as it was taken on June 23. On that same date last year, we were cheering because summer had finally shown up at all and the high was about 80......

 Sunset over central Yellowstone, near Gibbon Falls

Gibbon Falls sunset looking the other direction 

Bannack ghost town in SW Montana - it was the first territorial capitol of MT and has been preserved 
and restored as a State Park.

Ibex cabin in somewhat south central Montana - a great weekend with 4 people, 2 hyper dogs and a whole lot of board and lawn games, aka the "Ibex Olympics"

View towards Yankee Jim Canyon from Old Yellowstone Trail north of Gardiner, MT


Weekend Wanderings - Montana Dog Sledding

Any Friday where you get a hall pass from the office has the potential to be a wonderful day, but it may be a while before I top yesterday's "work" day!

On a beautiful and snowy February day, I traded the business casual attire, desk chair and nice warm office for wooly pants, mittens and and sleeping bag in the basket of a dog sled for an adventure into the hills of Tom Miner Basin with Yellowstone Dog Sled Adventures. A worthy trade? Without a doubt.

Our day started with meeting our guide, Josiah, who drove us the rest of way up to our starting point. During the ride, he told us about the type of dogs we would be using (primarily Alaskan huskies) as well as some of the big differences between the common types of working dogs (Alaskan huskies can go 150 miles in a day, where Malamutes go, well, about 35....). We also learned a little bit about his company and their dogs - rather than breeding their own dogs, their owner prefers to get dogs from racing kennels in Alaska where they often end up with too many dogs and nothing to do with them. Not only does this practice prevent unnecessary breeding, but it also allows these "extra" dogs to keep doing what they love and not ending up in a shelter or with someone who does not understand them and their need to work. After a day with these dogs, I can't imagine one of these guys or gals being happy living in a place where going for a walk or throwing the ball around was their source of exercise!

When we reached the point where we would begin our trip, we were able to watch Josiah hitch up the sled teams while he gave us instructions on safety and how the drive the sleds, of which we had 2 different types. Tamarak and I had a traditional sled, with a large basket in front and the driver standing behind. The other was taking by Linda and our guide, and had a smaller basket in front and room for 2 drivers in the back. This unique sled type is much less common (in fact these guys are the only ones in the area to use them) but allows novice wimps like us the opportunity to drive the sled, but still having our guide there to help out...basically Driver's Ed for dog sledding! We voted that Tamarak would drive her own normal sled (she does drive for a living, right?! Sure, it's trucks and snowcoaches, but who's worrying about semantics here?) and Linda and I were perfectly content going along for the ride. While Josiah was getting them set, we got to meet all of our dogs and see a little bit of the personality in each of them. Tam and I had a team of blondies - our lead dogs Dogwood and Rodick, who were followed by Krypton and Brie, our red-headed stepchild Drago (aka, our only non-blondie, a recent transplant from Alaska) and Peanut and Argon brought up the rear.

Once the dogs were ready to go (and they very vocally told you that they were ready!) we were off into the hills of Tom Miner Basin. The trip is about 8 miles round trip and follows the road up past the Tom Miner Campground on the Sunlight Road. The trip in starts out fairly flat and then begins climbing. When they are climbing, the dogs seem to be getting too tired and stopping, but in fact many times it is just that they can't tell whether the pulling got harder because of the uphill or because their driver has the brake on telling them to stop. You give them a little pip of encouragement to let them know they can keep going, and the energy jolt comes one to where Tam thought they were going to leave her behind a few times! There are of course regular rest breaks for them throughout the trip, but after they have eaten some snow and rolled in it for about 3 seconds, they seem raring to go already. Our comic relief on these stops was Argon, aka the Alaskan Jumping Bean....

Once we reached the top of Sunlight Road and it was time to head back down, Josiah's words of wisdom were simple - take it slow! After such a long rest (in their eyes, at least!) the dogs were ready to hit the road and the downhill would just spur them on even fast. Even with a foot firmly on the brake, the first stretch of downhill was like a wild natural roller coaster and the dogs seemed to be having the times of their lives. I, on the other hand, would have a prime candidate for the amusement park cameras that catch you mid-scream on the roller coaster free fall. Don't get me wrong, it was awesome and exhilerating, but I can become somewhat of a chicken when I feel like I'm flying through a tree tunnel. Tam did not seem quite as afraid as I was, because she was pretty liberal with leaving the brake along...which became a bit more evident when she dumped me in the snow. Near the bottom of the biggest downhill, there is a sharpish turn to cut across to another trail - we had a bit too much speed when we hit it and into the soft fluffy snow I went. Our safety instructions had been that, in the event of tipping over, to NOT reach out of the sled but just let yourself fall. Once you fall, get out of the basket and grab the sled so the dogs don't try to run off (fortunately, the tipped over sled creates enough resistance to keep them at least momentarily in place). So, I sat in the sled and felt like a slow motion movie camera as I gently tipped over into the snow. Later on, Tam told me that I had looked quite funny, sitting serenely as me and my pink poof ball hatted head tipped over as it was the most natural thing in the world. And then I was stuck, since she picked a pretty deep patch to throw me into.

The rest of the trip was uneventful, other than of course the awesome dogs, company and surroundings. When we returned our starting point, we were able to play around and pet all of the dogs while they each waited their turn to be unharnessed. They truly were such a loveable bunch, and few of them certainly had that puppy dog "pet me, pet me!" face perfected.

All told, our trip was about 3.5 hours and what an amazing way time it was. Definitely something I would do again :)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Winter 2011/12 in a Nutshell

The Old Faithful Snow Lodge closed on Sunday, Mammoth yesterday, the exodus of snowcoaches coaches from Old Faithful was the sight of the morning...the signs that another long and unpredictable Yellowstone winter has come to an end.

We saw crazy road closures (boulders in the road, snow drifts as tall as me), no snow followed by touch followed again by none. We saw plenty of animals, heard plenty more stories, and complained just as much as usual when it wasn't snowing enough or when it was snowing too much, whichever that particular day called for. The snowcoaches got stuck, they broke down, people crashed snowmobiles and plenty of people hit the ground while learning to cross country ski. Most importantly, we made it through. All in all, another winter season to be thankful for!

Here is my winter in it's photographic nutshell...

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Art of Travel

"Mastering the art of travel is not accomplished with practice or talent. No school will give you a bachelors degree in not getting shot while backpacking through eastern Africa. Or in avoiding Montezuma's revenge on your trek through Mexico. It's a way of life. Unknown to the majority, it's almost impossible to convey to your friends back home over the course of a single conversation. It's more of a feeling, it's the excitement I experience the night before a trip. The high that comes with booking a one-way train ticket to a place I've never heard of. It's the little things that so often go unnoticed. I used to think back to my wedding day and I wonder, how did I get here? Why me? And then I remember all that I've seen and done, the friends I've made, the countries I've called home, and all the bugs I've eaten by accident." Conner Layne - The Art of Travel

For the past couple of years I have been slowly changing (and recognizing the change) from the me who was wild, spontaneous and wanted to be responsibility free into the me that likes coming home to the same place, plopping down on the couch with a book or a crochet project and sleeping in my own bed at night, with a little adventuring and exploring thrown in during the normal and abysmally small amount of vacation time allotted to the average American.

Last night, however, I plopped onto my well worn and molded spot on my couch with a blanket and the latest crochet project and turned on The Art of Travel, a 2008 film about a recent high school grad who ditches his wedding, finds himself the next day in Managua, Nicaragua and follows him through his change from a naive youngster to well seasoned backpacker and world traveller. While the movie itself was of course both over dramatized a bit (Nicaragua is portrayed a bit more harshly than it is, from what I've learned from friends who have traveled there) and glamorized a bit (how the heck does he do all of this without every needing to stop and make a little money?!), it does the trick on inspiring the inner traveler that so many of us suppress in the name of "growing up" and doing what society has instilled in so many of us the path to adulthood and thus happiness. But is it really? And how is one to know without trying?

I know I have done far more than many of those I grew up with - moving to a National Park when I was 20, moving to Colorado when I was 23, the larger part of my 20's interspersed with adventures back and forth across the country, Mexico and Canada both alone and with friends. But will I wake up one day, pick out what to where from the closet in a nice clean house in a suburban neighborhood with views of landscaped yards and picket and wish I'd seen more? Or will I wake up one day, dig some wrinkled clothes out of a backpack in a tent sitting at the base of the Andes and wish I'd stayed closer to home and settled a little more? Will it be high heels and cocktail dresses, or hiking boots and tank tops that will deliver the most happiness? A lot of questions, but no magic 8-ball to provide the answers.

The best answer of all really isn't an answer at all - do what feels right and make the best of it, and never, ever, have any regrets. Yes, the choice for each road means sacrifices of the other. But the choice for each road also leads to endless possibilities.....

Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Great To-Do List - REVISED and Soon to be Updated!

In the name of lists and challenges, I thought it would be fun to revisit my very first "To-Do" List - and make a few notes and adjustments. The original list (Black type) is what I posted on MySpace (whoa!) on May 5, 2006. Green highlights are things I have completed since then. Red are things that, after careful thought and consideration by an older and more experienced mind, am choosing to cancel from the list from here on out. Last but not least, Blue is just extra notes, and things that may be "half-way done" or done with any sort of special consideration or adjustment :)

Current mood:ecstatic

Things to Do Before I Die...a few more

So, the amazing Miss Abbie did this and it inspired me to think about my own to-do list. First, it's a work in progress and, rightfully so, always will be. It's all things, in no particular order, big and small that may bring happiness, realization, truth, faith, insight, outsight, or might just need to be done.

1. Find my bliss, so that I can follow it!

2. Eat fondue that is not cheese or chocolate - Beef, at Cafe Diva in Steamboat

3. Go to Fairyland

4. Learn to roll sushi - For Bryan's birthday in 2010 (repeated successfully for Karen's in 2011 as well!)

5. Learn an instrument

6. Go to Alaska

7. Climb a big wall that requires spending the night on the wall(if Jack Osbourne can do it so 
can I) - In all honesty, as much as I hate to admit it, I am NEVER going to do this....

8. Adopt a dog - I don't actually have my own, but I have helped several friends with the selection of their furry friends, as well as adopting my kitty cat, Harlo (aka Muffin!)

9. Finish college

10. Decide what to go to college for(since I'm in college you'd have thought I did this  - already....) - Hospitality Management....thought it did not assist in completion of #9.

11. Backpack in Europe

12. Learn how to fix my own car - I can't say it was with flying colors, but in the past year I have: replaced sway bar links, struts, strut mounts, changed oil and assisted in a full tire removal/change/mount/balance!

13. Knit socks - this has been attempted on several levels, thought completion still eludes me

14. Own a home

15. Read as many books as possible by the following authors: Tom Robbins, Paulo Coehlo, Hunter S Thompson, Edward Abbey, Ernest Hemingway, and many more

16. Take a summer long climbing/music trip all over the U.S.

17. Climb in another country

18. Give up television

19. Make the perfect margarita - I hate toot my own horn, but I am calling this one good because I am told how great they are every time I make them!

20. Speak a second language

21. Go to the Iowa state fair

22. Get married and have a family(no "settling down" though)

23. See a ghost

24. Put some pretty colored tape on all my climbing gear so Galo stops asking "is this mine or yours?" - Seeing as I don't have much climbing gear anymore, nor do I ever see/climb with Galo since we live 900 miles apart, this one might be a moot point.

25. Spend a summer in the southern hemisphere(so it snows in July!)

26. Do karaoke...sober. - "Don't Stop Believin', at Jade Summit In Steamboat

27. Find my birth mother(maybe....) - Found, but not contacted

28. Hitchhike, and Yellowstone doesn't count.

29. Stand on top of Grand Teton

30. Learn to telemark ski

31. Name a waterfall

32. Start a journal and actually keep writing in it for more than a few days

33. Crochet a hat - I didn't say anything about it actually fitting properly.....And I did make Jayne a balaclava that actually fit quite well.

34. Drive a UHaul - I was reminded last year that I had actually driven a UHaul when I was 19, so this was actually completed several years before this list was made....

35. Figure out what is so fun about disc golf

36. Soak in Mr Bubbles

37. Winter camp - Grand Canyon, November 2010

38. Run a marathon

39. Make my own clothes

40. Ice skate in Central Park

41. Join a polar bear club

42. Go to a Buddhist retreat - I didn't actually get to attend a "retreat" but I did get to visit and spend a day at the Rocky Mountain Shambala Center in Red Feather Lakes, CO

43. Protest something - SAVE OUTDOOR SCHOOL!! Many, many letters were sent to the Portland Public School Board.

44. Publish an article in a newspaper - I can't decide if my High School paper counts...if so then this one is just like the UHaul....

45. Read some poetry(other than good song lyrics!)

46. See as many live shows as I possibly can, even when I'm a senior citizen

47. Teach my niece and  nephew something they will never forget
48. Be a bridesmaid - Ali & Nate's Wedding, June 2008

49. Learn to skateboard

50. Plant a flower garden and keep it alive

51. Become a good cook(good is a relative term) - By NO means complete, but definitely in progress

52. Celebrate the 4th of July on the wrong day

53. Deep fry a TurDuckIn

54. Touch a snake

55. Climb in Yosemite

56. Be the first one at a party/bar to start dancing

57. Beat Dirk at Tri Towers - Sadly this one involves 1) Living somewhere that I can even find TriTowers and 2) Living in the same place as Dirk so I can play him. Neither is true, so 
another moot point.

58. Balance my checkbook - This is by no means done on a regular basis, but has been done to entirety at least once

59. Get a massage on a Caribbean beach

60. Wear my 1970s Broncos tee shirt to a Bronco game

61. Go to Africa

62. Go to as many different types of churches as possible, to learn firsthand what they're all about

63. Take my mom camping

64. Fly in a sea plane

65. Wear a coconut bra

66. Win a medal in the Rainer Olympics

67. Sail

68. Read neighbor Lori's books about past lives - Neighbor Lori is now 900 miles away too, so.....

69. Run the Race for the Cure, in memory of Adam's mom.

70. Live in the same city as Jayne for at least a season - We actually got 3! Winter 2006-07, Summer 2007 and Winter 2007-08 in Steamboat

71. Lead climb

72. Go on jungle expedition in Latin America

73. Stop biting my nails - Vast improvements, but no complete success as yet.

74. See the sunrise from the top of a fourteener

75. Go to lots more Panic shows, among others, because I'm finally understanding how it can be so amazing and addicting to so many of the people I love. I'm hooked.

To be continued......

 A few additions - May 12, 2006

76. Wear fancy going clubbing clothes to the local bar in Steamboat or Boulder with Abbie - This has been done on my own many times in Steamboat and Gardiner, MT - unfortunately though, never with Abbie Lane :(

77. Go surfing

78. Have a pen pal - 2 actually, both from my online book groups!

79. Take a NOLS class

80. Ski in south America

81. Ride the subway all over NYC for a day exploring without looking at the subway map

May 15, 2006
82. Read the holy books of the great religions

83. Learn about meteorology

84. Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity - the only drawback here was that while I did volunteer, I never got to do any actual work because they always worked on days I was at my actual job.